How to Create a Video Podcast

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(Updated 06-14-2024)

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How to Create a Video Podcast

The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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Podcasts are taking the world by storm. Despite the dominance of video in today’s media landscape, podcasts have become incredibly popular — would you believe that 57% of US adults have listened to a podcast, and 41% listen to at least one every month?

Podcasts are an engaging, enjoyable, and accessible way to stay informed and entertained. And even though they’re undeniably audio-centric, podcasts are even more powerful when combined with video. Video communication is a must today!

Nearly all the most popular podcasts share their episodes in online video form, and there’s a very good reason for that. Sharing podcasts as video allows you to tap into the huge user base that prefers this type of content. YoTube is the world’s second most visited site, used by a staggering 74% of US adults. Podcasts are alive and thriving on this platform — 43% of podcast listeners have enjoyed an episode on this platform in the last year.

Even better, transforming your podcast into video is quick and easy. Here’s everything you need to know about how to create a video podcast.

Why you should create video podcasts

Converting your podcast episodes into video is a no-brainer if you’re serious about growing your audience.

Perhaps the biggest reason to try out video podcasting is reach. Despite the growing popularity of audio, online video has broad appeal, and resonates with nearly every possible demographic. Audio-only podcasts have their benefits — mainly, they’re very convenient for listening to as you complete other tasks.

But humans are inherently visual creatures, and that makes video podcasts more engaging. With video, the viewer’s eyes and ears are focused on your content — you’re holding their attention more completely. It might be a little harder to use a video podcast as background noise, but you’re rewarded with an audience that’s listening more closely (and remember, you can and should be releasing your episodes as audio too)!

Video podcasts also give you a huge advantage when it comes to marketing. First of all, only 17% of podcasters bother adding video — so if you do, you’ll stand out from the pack. Your content will also be much easier to share and promote on social media, since these platforms are optimized for video content.

By producing video podcasts, you’re getting more mileage out of the content you worked so hard on, and giving your audience options. That way they can discover and enjoy your content on the platforms that they prefer.

Create a video podcast in minutes

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What types of video podcasts can you create?

There are so many different ways to create a video podcast. Here are a few of the most popular, so you can explore your options and figure out which is best for you.


This is one of the most common, and effective, types of video podcast. It consists of an in-person interview between two subjects, recorded on one or multiple cameras and shared along with its accompanying audio.

Interview podcasts run a wide gamut when it comes to production value — some are shot in professional studios with high-end gear and others in the podcaster’s home with nothing more than an iPhone. You’ll need to get some equipment, but overall, this is a popular podcast style for a reason — it’s simple to create and you’ll feel like you’re right there enjoying the conversation! Don't miss our top tips for creating a video interview.

Remote Interview/Talking Heads

If most of your podcast interviews happen remotely, this might be perfect for you — particularly since we’ve been connecting remotely more than ever thanks to COVID-19! This method can be easier than some of the other techniques, because you don’t need special equipment, just screen recording software that can capture your conversation.

However, you’re also at the mercy of your device’s audio quality and the reliability of your internet connection. Without some careful video-editing, any lagging or technical issues could end up in the finished product!

Static Image + Audio

Hands down, this is the easiest way to get your podcast into video format. All you need to do is pair your audio file with a single image, or a short animated loop — your podcast or company logo would be an obvious choice. Then, simply upload it as an online video to your platform of choice!

Obviously, this technique toes the line of being considered a video podcast at all — really, it’s just a way to get your content onto video-centric platforms. While you won’t get the benefits of better engagement and visual storytelling, you can still reach more people than if you limited your content to audio platforms. So if you’re overwhelmed by video and not sure where to start, this can be a great way to get going.

B-Roll or External Footage

The creative possibilities are endless with this type of video podcast, which combines your recorded audio with any type of visual content you like, such as stock or original footage, animated text or illustrations, or even multiple still images.

One idea is to take a Powerpoint-style approach and edit in images and other content that illustrate what’s being discussed. This type of video podcast also works very well blended together with in-person or talking head interview footage.

While these video podcasts can be more time-consuming and expensive to produce, the potential payoff is very high — a beautiful and visually appealing podcast experience for your viewers!

But you can simplify your content creation process by discovering PlayPlay's podcast video maker and easily create professional video podcasts.

How to make a video podcast in 8 steps

So, now you understand the power of video podcasting, and you likely have some great creative ideas for the form that yours could take. Ready to get started? Let’s go — here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your video podcast.

Dream up some ideas

This is the time to think about the big picture — the stories you want to tell, the topics you want to cover, and all the interesting people you want to talk to! If you’re creating a podcast as a company or even a freelancer, your topic will be informed by your mission and expertise. But if you’re making a podcast as an individual, they’re the perfect way to share your passions or learn more about a topic that interests you.

Consistency is crucial to a great podcast, and that’s why careful planning at the ideation stage is key. Book interviews well ahead of time, and share interview questions with your subjects in advance so you get the best answers possible. This will help you maintain a consistent episode release schedule and keep your audience coming back for more.

Get your equipment

Next, you’ll need to get your equipment together. Here are the essentials:

  • Microphone: Audio is the heart of your podcast, so a good quality external microphone is important. Don’t try to capture audio directly on your computer to camera.
  • Camera: Depending on the type of video podcast you’re creating, a new camera could be a non-negotiable. Anything from a new-generation smartphone to a professional high-def camera could do the trick, depending on the production quality you’re going for. If you have the resources for multiple cameras, the ability to edit together different camera angles can certainly make the finished product more engaging.
  • Tripod: You want to be focused on your subject, not your camera, so you’re going to need a tripod to allow for hands-free filming. There are plenty of affordable options available for both camera and phones, and you can even find guides to make your own!

Film and record

Now it’s time for lights, camera, action!

Here are some tips for a productive, stress-free filming session.

  • Keep the camera and microphone rolling. Don’t bother turning them on and off if you take a break or stumble over your words — you’ll be able to edit out those sections later
  • Give your interviewees —and yourself — some time to get comfortable before you jump into the episode. Many people need a few minutes to loosen up when being recorded.
  • You don’t need professional lighting, but make sure your interview space is well lit enough to look crisp and clean on camera.
  • For a talking head interview, make sure your video-conferencing and screen-recording programs are up to the job and ready to go. For example, free Zoom subscriptions put a 40-minute cap on video meetings.

Edit your video

For many marketers, video editing is pretty intimidating! Even if you’re a skilled, computer-savvy marketer, video editing software can have a steep learning curve.

With beginner video editing programs, like Apple iMovie, the end result might not look as professional as you’d like. And if you’re looking for a higher production quality, you’ll need advanced programs like Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects — but these require more advanced technical skills!

Instead, choose a simple-to-use video editor that’s designed for marketers and guides you through the entire editing process. Some solutions, like PlayPlay, even provide ready-to-go, customizable video templates so it’s easy to make sure your video podcast is professional-looking and true to your brand.

With templates and a foolproof editing process, PlayPlay gives you everything you need to create your video podcast in no time - no technical skills required!

Create a stunning video in minutes

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Edit your audio

Podcasts are all about audio — so you need to make sure yours is perfect!

Here are the basic steps you’ll need to follow:

  • As we mentioned, record your audio separately using an external microphone
  • Make sure any transitions are crisp and clean — you might even want to edit in a small clip of music or audio, for example to signal the start of an ad break
  • Edit and optimize the audio as needed to make sure it’s as crisp and clear as possible
  • Carefully sync up your edited audio and video files, making sure they are perfectly matched to create a flawless, professional-sounding listening experience for your viewers.

Create Your Video

Once your video content is finalized, you’ll need to follow a few more steps to get it YouTube (or Vimeo, or social media) ready.

Before you hit upload, be sure to:

  • Create a great intro segment — what about a short theme song or fun animation?
  • Add text overlays and visuals to go along with what’s being said — think interviewee's names and credentials, screenshots or photos of things being mentioned, and even funny GIFs to create emotion.
  • Generate or manually add subtitles to make your video accessible for hearing-impaired users, and those scrolling with their audio off
  • Create a beautiful thumbnail that entices people to click on your video! Did you know that 90% of the best-performing YouTube videos use custom thumbnails?
  • Make sure your video ends with a clear, compelling Call to Action (CTA). You don’t need to have a product to sell — you can ask viewers to subscribe, follow you on social media, or sign up for your email newsletter.

Create Promo Materials

You’ll publish promo materials to social media and other marketing channels, such as email and paid ads, to spread the word about your podcast.

Try creating:

  • A custom graphic. This can be similar to your thumbnail, but optimized for different platforms’ size requirement (for example, create a square graphic for Instagram)
  • Teaser videos. Choose some short, super-intriguing clips of your video, to publish as a teaser. Look for video clips that will make the viewer want to listen to your entire episode. Make sure they’re subtitled so people can understand them on social media, where audio is turned off by default. You can even try formatting some of your teasers as Stories, Instagram Reels, or TikTok videos.

For instance, here’s a teaser video we made for our podcast, “3 Learnings From…”.

Share Away!

Whew! You’ve finished your amazing creation, and it’s time to share it with the world! Be sure to give this step plenty of attention — distribution is just as important as creation, and it doesn’t matter how great your podcast is if no one sees (or hears) it!

Here are a few places to share your episodes:

  • Audio-only podcasting platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts
  • On your social media channels
  • With your email marketing audience
  • On your website
  • On billboards all over your town (just kidding… kind of?)

 PlayPlay Pro Trick

You also want to create a podcast without the video? We share the steps with you.

Get ready to podcast

If you’ve finished this guide to how to create your video podcast, you’re well on your way to harnessing the power of video and audio to become a true master of the podcasting form.

This might seem like information overload, but the truth is that if your podcast is entertaining, informative, helpful and genuine, it will find the audience it deserves — and with the tips in this article, you’ll reach your goals even faster.

And the best part is that with so many great tools on the market today, you don’t even need to have mastered video-editing skills to create a video podcast. Try out PlayPlay to create a video podcast — and many other types of videos — in no time!

Melissa Francois

Melissa Francois

Head of Global Content & Comms

With over 10 years of experience in the wild world of SaaS, Melissa cares about building great brand stories and driving community engagement through engaging content. Off the clock, she enjoys long walks and a pint in a cozy country pub.

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The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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