Free Stock Video Footage in HD
Access millions of free professional stock videos and create original content.

Best Free Stock Videos to Create Your Video in Minutes!
Looking for inspiration or simply short on content? With PlayPlay’s royalty-free access to Getty’s media library you can choose from millions of high-quality stock videos, images, and GIFs instantly. Paired with our platform’s editing capabilities, you’ll create original videos that’ll speak directly to your audience in minutes. Are you ready to rediscover your creativity?
Boost Your Creativity with Stock Videos
With access to millions of pre-licensed stock HD videos, images and GIFs and 100s of royalty-free soundtracks your videos will be powered by creativity. Save time and money on intricate video shoots and don’t worry about editing skills. Simply choose the perfect stock footage for your video’s goals and start crafting your content. From corporate interview backgrounds to stunning slow-motion nature videos – creating captivating brand videos has never been easier.
Royalty-Free Content Made Simple
At PlayPlay we believe your creations should belong to only you. Design captivating, watermark-free videos on our online video editor. Access our library of royalty-free stock videos, images, GIFs and sound tracks without any hassle. Customize them to make the content uniquely yours and publish it with a peace of mind with our premium account.
Stay Original with PlayPlay’s Editing Features
Make stock video content original with PlayPlay’s editing features. Our wide range of fully-customizable templates and editing features will turn you into a professional video creator in minutes. Instantly add trendy dynamic elements, transitions, text, audio and more. No previous video editing experience is required.
Protect Your Brand Assets
With PlayPlay’s brand protection feature you no longer need to worry about your identity being compromised. Lock in your logos, fonts and colors according to your brand guidelines in seconds. Now, you can focus on unleashing your creativity and rest assured that your videos are on brand at all times. No matter who creates them.
How to Use Our Free Stock Videos
Start a video project on PlayPlay
Login to PlayPlay directly on your browser. Either start your project from scratch or choose one of our video templates and upload your media directly onto the platform. Majority of file formats are accepted including: MP4, MOV, MKV, MPG, and more.
Choose the perfect stock video
Edit your video to perfection
Download and share
Communicate with video
Speak directly to your audience with video. PlayPlay’s intuitive video creation platform enables marketing and communication teams to turn any message into a memorable video with ease. No previous editing experience needed.
Start your free trial nowFrequently Asked Questions
Have questions? We’re here to help.
Where can I get stock videos for free?
There are many resources available where you can find high-quality royalty-free video footage for use in commercial and non-commercial projects. From small to large companies, people frequently make use of stock footage to help illustrate points or provide backgrounds for videos without having to capture the footage themselves. PlayPlay offers thousands of royalty-free stock videos on a variety of topics and includes a fully-featured video editor to help make integrating stock videos quick and easy.
Why use stock video footage?
There are several advantages of using stock video footage as opposed to relying wholly on your own captured footage. The biggest advantage is cost and time saving - it’s a lot cheaper and faster to use existing footage of a location than to have to go out and film your own footage. Stock footage can also be used as convenient filler content, for example, when you’ve narrated a scene and simply need a video to use as a backdrop.