15 Types of Video Content Every Marketer Should Master



(Updated 09-27-2024)

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15 Types of Video Content Every Marketer Should Master

The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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If you thought that being a skilled copywriter and social media guru is enough to make you a marketing rockstar — you may want to think again.

Video is now the most in-demand skill for a marketer. In fact, according to Convince & Convert, 42% of marketers listed “video marketing” as the skill they wished they or their teams were more adept at.

As a marketer, you have a lot on your plate:

  • You need to create content that informs, educates, and increases awareness of your brand and product.
  • You'll likely get pulled in by your HR team to help them create content for recruitment, and your Customer Success team to help them highlight client stories.
  • You constantly have to keep your finger on current trends that impact your industry.

So, how can you possibly create all of this content efficiently?

That’s where video can become your Swiss Army knife of content.

Videos are More Informative, Engaging, and Effective than Other Types of Content

It’s no longer up for debate — when it comes to the virtual world, video content is king. Today, video completely dominates online activity. It influences purchasing decisions and it’s expected by Gen Z and the majority of Millennials.

The rise of video is no accident. It’s simply the most effective way to connect and share information. Viewers retain as much as 95% of the information they learn through video, because it immerses them in an authentic and more human way than flipping through pages of text.

That’s what makes videos so effective for marketing — the conversational human element it brings to your brand’s communications. Video isn’t quite a live person-to-person interaction, but it’s as close as you’ll get through a screen.

15 types of video content to help you achieve your marketing objectives

The sky’s the limit when it comes to marketing videos. But there are some general types that have proven to help companies reach their sales and digital marketing goals.

Which videos you choose to create depends on your unique goals, needs, and marketing strategies. Towards the end of this article, you can answer a series of questions to help you determine what types of videos could benefit your business.

But regardless of the route you choose, these videos are a great place to start. So let’s dive in! Here are the top types of video content that every marketer should learn how to create and why.

Table of Contents

  1. Explainer videos
  2. How-to videos and tutorials
  3. Product demo videos
  4. Client testimonials
  5. Brand awareness videos
  6. Content promotion videos
  7. Company culture videos
  8. Event teaser and recap videos
  9. Interviews and Q&A videos
  10. Webinar recordings
  11. User-generated videos
  12. Quarterly recap videos
  13. Livestream videos
  14. Short-form social media videos
  15. ‘Thank You’ videos

1. Explainer videos to help users understand your niche

Explainer videos do just what you’d think — they introduce a problem or challenge, then explain exactly how it can be solved!

If your product or service is the solution, these videos are a fast, effective way to demonstrate its value. But explainer videos don’t need to be exclusively product-related. Try explaining a relevant issue or topic your audience cares about — you’ll still be establishing your expertise, credibility, and authority.

To make your explainer videos stand out, take a thought-leadership approach by inviting a subject expert to take part. Ideally, this would be somebody at your company, or a known industry influencer. You can also try using animation and incorporating dynamic transitions, especially if your topic is dry or complex.

Clear, concise, and relatable - this video from Honey explains the potential pitfalls with shopping online. Then they show how they can help you solve this. 

2. How-to videos and tutorials to make learning easy

The goal of a tutorial video is to teach viewers how to do something. For brands, it’s usually about helping users to get the most out of your product. A great option for peaking a potential customer’s interest, and also for customer retention. By providing useful tutorials, you’re showing customers that even after they click ‘buy,’ you’re still there to help.

‘How-to’ type queries are also some of the most searched-for terms out there. Make sure you’re getting a slice of that traffic by making videos that answer your customers’ most-queried pain points. To do this, we recommend you take time for keyword research!

As with explainer videos, 'how-to's can either be product-related or address other relevant topics your audience cares about.

Setting up a game console might not sound exciting but with minimalist animation and a good soundtrack, Playstation VR makes this product tutorial feel slick, engaging, and even futuristic.

The video works as part of their product promotion efforts, hinting at the experience users will enjoy when playing their favorite VR games.

3. Demo videos to show your product in action

Demo videos are your chance to get hands-on and show off your product in action.

For digital or software products, demos often include screen recordings, a voiceover, and some fun animation to make everything crystal clear. For physical items, try filming an ‘unboxing’ product video that captures all the excitement of a brand-new purchase.

Product demo videos are an excellent tool to leverage in the middle of your marketing funnel. By helping your prospects get to know your product more intimately they can make an informed buying decision.

This product demo (by makeup brand The Lip Bar) channels a video type that’s highly popular with their audience — makeup tutorials. With a conversational, vlog-type style video, they demonstrate the quality of their concealer in a format their viewers already know and trust.

4. Client testimonial or case study videos to back up your brand promise

Social proof is powerful — that’s why 93% of buyers check reviews before buying an item online.

Imagine you’re browsing in a store, and another shopper approaches you and starts raving about the product in your hand. No doubt you’d find that convincing — and you can create the same effect with video testimonials. That’s why they’re so powerful on your brand’s website, particularly on sales or product pages.

Instead of just telling people how great your product is, show them by putting your customers front and center in a testimonial video!

Unfiltered, authentic, and honest — that’s when social proof is most powerful. This testimonial from PlayPlay’s client, Sea Shepherd, features their Director of Communications speaking directly and openly about her experience with the service. No super-slick production needed here! It’s the casual, video-chat feel of the testimonial that makes it so effective.

5. Brand awareness videos to help spread the word

Brand awareness videos are basically the traditional web or television advertisement — brief, creative, and memorable videos intended to boost brand recognition.

These videos live at the top of your marketing funnel sharing what makes your brand special — your style, your product, your mission, and ultimately, the value you offer your customers.

This brand awareness video by Apple pushes the limits of creativity. To reinforce their “think different” slogan, Apple presents viewers with a series of messages that only become visible from a particular perspective. While it may be ambitious to try and recreate such a slick production, it’s definitely worth taking inspiration from.

6. Content promotion videos to maximize exposure

Did you know video can help you get the most out of other types of content? Today, video creation is so quick and easy that brands are using it to promote their blog posts, ebooks, and podcasts on social media.

A short, snappy video teaser is the best way to grab your audience’s attention on social media and lead them to more ‘traditional’ pieces of content. Let’s face it, it’s harder than ever to get people to read a 10-page report! But a promo video can peak viewers' interest and encourage them to dive into the details.

Try creating short videos to recap content you’ve already produced, such as turning a blog post into a series of TikToks. Or, you can create a promo video to highlight key learnings from a recent eBook enticing viewers to download the content.

Here, the OECD uses a short video on social media to promote their podcast. With a soundbite audio extract, eye-catching visuals, and a CTA leading to the full episode — this teaser is bound to attract more listeners to their podcast.

7. Company culture videos to strengthen your employer brand

Behind every brilliant product and slick brand, there’s a bunch of talented people making it all happen. Company culture videos put your people center stage, helping to express your brand’s personality and what makes it unique.

Company culture videos are important for attracting new talent, but they also let you show off your values to new and existing customers. Promoting the human side of your brand is crucial; in today’s market, customers are more likely to engage with brands they feel personally aligned with.

HubSpot's video presents some of the team and their workspaces, featuring a voice-over narration about their positive experience. 

The video shows off the team's diversity, collaboration, and dedication to promoting great company culture. But it also emphasizes how much pride HubSpot has in its employees, highlighting them as their greatest asset. 

8. Event teasers and recaps to get more attendees

Video is an indispensable tool to get the most out of your events. Whether it’s an in-person or virtual event, plenty of hard work and planning is needed. And video can help you get the best possible return on all that effort!

Try creating teaser videos to promote your event before the big day while building hype and encouraging attendees to sign up. Be sure to highlight key information like keynote speakers, the agenda, and key takeaways of the event.

Don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action that leads to the registration page so your viewers can sign up immediately.

As PlayPlay’s Content Summit video shows, event promos can be incredibly effective.

Here, the key messaging and branding for an upcoming webinar is animated alongside background music, ending with a clear CTA. The exciting speakers and brands are all highlighted, resulting in an engaging marketing asset made with little effort and time.

9. Interviews and Q&As to build thought leadership and trust

Building relationships with potential customers is crucial to gaining their trust. By investing in your thought leadership efforts, your target audience will see your company as the industry authority and engage with your messages.

Interviewing your senior employees or industry experts on camera to discuss a relevant topic is one of the best ways to build trust. In fact, 93% of consumers believe that CEO engagement on social media helps communicate corporate values and shape the company’s reputation.  

Filming an interview or a Q&A video will provide audiences with value-packed content on relevant topics — all in an engaging, personal format that will earn their trust. Give your brand a human face and the results will follow!

This video by Clari’s CEO is an excellent example of thought leadership content, posted as a series of episodes covering various niche topics. In this episode, Andy Byrne shares his expertise on ‘Revenue Precision’, recording himself on his laptop camera — simple but highly effective!

10. Webinar recordings to share in-depth knowledge

If you’ve hosted a webinar packed with tips and advice, why not record and host it on your website or Youtube page? Long-form video content is perfect for deep diving into a particular subject, giving your audience the knowledge they need to succeed.

Webinar recordings can easily be broken down and repurposed into short videos for social media. Grab your audience’s attention with a highlights video explaining the key takeaways or tips from the talk, and drive them to your website or Youtube channel to watch the full version.

In this talk hosted by PlayPlay, leading marketer Anthony Kennada discusses why every company should become a media company — and how to make it happen at your organization. It’s a great example of webinar content’s utilization across various channels.

11. User-generated videos to engage your community

User-generated videos are often created by customers to highlight and promote your products, features, or services. 

From ‘unboxings’ to ‘How To’s, UG content is a valuable form of social proof that brings authenticity to your pitch. In fact, 93% of marketers agree that consumers trust user-generated content more than content created by brands themselves. And the bonus? Your customers put in the hard work for you!

Your user base is a goldmine of knowledge, so dig into forums and social media to see what they’re creating or sharing in relation to your product. Try partnering up with influencers and fans to promote their videos, or extract clips to produce your own video, thanking them for their efforts — this is a great way to engage your community!

Created by a Notion user, this video guides the audience through how the product can be used by content creators to turn their work into a seamless production. Full of tips, screencasts, and step-by-step instructions, this is a great example of how user-generated content can be leveraged to authentically promote your brand.

12. Quarterly recap videos to celebrate wins and promote new projects

A lot can happen in a quarter and your community wants to know what you’ve been up to. Quarterly recap videos give a rundown of your company’s recent activity in bite-sized, engaging format that’s perfect for social media.

Want to highlight recent events, promote new product features, or reveal exciting projects in the pipeline? A quarterly recap video is the best way to celebrate your company’s achievements and offer fresh updates to your community.

Recognize your team’s hard work, boost your employer brand, and get pumped for the quarter ahead!

This video created by PlayPlay (using PlayPlay, of course) shows how easy it is to recap recent achievements in a short and snappy video.

Packed with photos and clips, the video summarizes what the marketing, product, and sales teams have been working on, giving them the recognition they deserve… Not to forget a bonus sneak-peek at the company’s offsite celebrations!

13. Livestream videos to gain social media followers

Going live is a powerful way to form a personal connection with your audience. Live videos are the most authentic form of brand content, and customers are more likely to engage with brands they feel personally connected to.

These fresh ‘unfiltered’ videos create a feeling of urgency for your viewers. They know they’re among the first to hear your message which creates extra excitement. With chatbox options and emoji reactions, livestreams offer audiences a whole new way to interact with brands — in the here and now.

Whether you’re broadcasting from a tradeshow event or hosting a masterclass, live streams can help you strengthen your brand’s social media presence and gain new followers. Disclaimer: make sure you’ve thoroughly prepared before going live… once it’s out there, there’s no going back!

This livestream video by Buzzfeed is all about having fun. The format is a dance competition, where viewers were able to vote for their favorite dancers in real-time and interact directly with Buzzfeed — a great idea for driving engagement.

14. Short-form social media videos to make your brand more human

Short-form social media videos make your brand’s personality shine, helping you form authentic connections and build a thriving community.

Creativity is a key ingredient in short-form social media videos, which are particularly effective on TikTok and Instagram Reels. Inspire your followers, make them laugh, or teach them about features in fun, new ways.

The most successful brands that create short-form social media content are those that act like their users — finding new ways to express themselves, in sync with current trends and what their audiences enjoy.

Zoom’s TikTok video is a great example of effective short-form social media content. Using a simple, funny animation, this TikTok taps into a feeling all Zoom users have experienced — forgetting to unmute when speaking! With creativity and a sense of humor, the Zoom team explores misuses of their product features, which its user base can easily relate to.

15. ‘Thank You’ videos to show appreciation for partners and customers

Everyone loves to feel appreciated, and your customers are no different.

Whether you’re creating a personalized video to email to each customer or a general version for social media, ‘Thank You’ videos show your community how much you value their support and loyalty.

Record a quick, personal message from your CEO or employees — it’s a sure way to humanize your brand and boost customer retention.

Slack’s slick ‘Thank You’ video recaps the company’s journey from its creation in 2014 up to the present day. Featuring an animated timeline of company milestones, Slack takes the opportunity to thank its users and promote its service with a catchy slogan: “Your work is our work. Our story is your story.”

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Creating Brand Videos

Before getting started with video, you’ll need to know exactly what you’re working towards.

That way, you can make sure you’re using resources effectively and getting the best ROI possible. Video can easily complement your existing content marketing efforts such as your email lists, blog posts, ebooks, whitepapers, and social media channels.

But, you need to consider which of these channels are more important to you and why. Start by asking yourself these simple questions.

What are your brand’s goals?

Whether you’re more concerned with brand awareness, search-engine optimization, boosting conversions, or nurturing existing customers, video can help. The list of video content types above shows how each video applies to different goals and points in your sales funnel.

How much time and resources can you devote to video?

Video is accessible to all marketers these days, thanks to easy, user-friendly video creation tools like PlayPlay. But the resources you’re working with will still determine your approach.

If you’re working alone, for example, you might make quick animated video graphics for social media. If you have a larger team however, you may focus on creating more elaborate videos like interviews and company culture content.

What are your customers’ needs and how can video help you meet them?

Understanding your customers’ needs, preferences, and pain points will help you create useful video content that nurtures customer relationships. Do your users need help understanding the intricacies of your product? Or are they looking to be entertained and connect with others?

No matter the specifics, there’s a type of video content that will help you get there. You can try behind-the-scenes videos, brand videos, promotional videos and more, depending on whether you are focused on building awareness, pushing conversions, or increasing retention.

Which platforms and types of video content does your audience already prefer?

If your target audience is online, they’re already engaging with video. Your task is to find out where, when, and what types of video content they consume. Then, you can create videos tailored to those preferences.

To understand what kind of video your audience likes, try analyzing how they engaged with your previous posts. For example, did you make a Reel that got thousands of views, but didn’t get much success when you posted it on YouTube?

The answer to those types of questions about your video’s previous performance will help you determine your strategy. And if you’ve never created a video before, you can host a poll for your audience via email or social media, or take inspiration from your competitors.

15 Types of Videos to Help You Become a Bonafide Marketing All-star

Now that you’ve got a solid understanding of the most important types of video for marketers to master, it’s time to walk the walk! Take inspiration from the above examples of different video types and start making your own. You’ll be surprised how good you’ll get with each one you create.

But every video marketer needs the right tools. Want a quick and easy way to make video content? Try PlayPlay — the online video creation tool that enables anyone in your team to turn any message into a compelling video. Start today with our 7-day free trial!

Get ready to revolutionize your marketing strategy with video’s entertainment, educational, and community-building powers.

Jaymi Onorato

Jaymi Onorato

Demand Generation Manager, North America

Jaymi is a growth-focused B2B marketing leader driving demand generation for North America at PlayPlay. Jaymi advocates for inclusivity in tech and women in leadership.

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The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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