7 steps for a truly effective video marketing strategy



(Updated 07-10-2024)

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7 steps for a truly effective video marketing strategy

The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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After you and your team emerged from the last marketing meeting, it became pretty clear that your company needs to have a real video marketing strategy.

The whole team is ready to get cracking, already thinking of all the benefits of video marketing you'll be able to reap from...

Fresh and dynamic content, rising conversion rates, engaged audiences... only good things to come!

Keep this momentum and motivation going: you're going to need it to build a strong video marketing strategy. To help you do this, we've put together 7 essentials for achieving success. Fasten your seatbelts... let's get this show on the road!

Create a stunning marketing video in minutes

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The importance of video marketing

Video marketing isn’t a new concept for most marketers, but it’s still a concept that is heavily underused in the industry. There’s a perception that video creation is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. In reality that’s no longer the case – you just need to find the right video creation platform for your brand’s needs. And you better do it fast as data suggests video marketing is a must for all brands!

In recent research held by HubSpot and PlayPlay, it was discovered that 81% of businesses have a devoted budget for video marketing alone. Additionally over 50% of these brands saw this budget increase in 2022, with no sign of slowing down.

Why? Because 41% of businesses achieve exceptionally high ROI from video marketing.

A successful video marketing strategy helps brands:

  • increase revenue and sales
  • boost brand awareness due to its highly engaging format
  • create a buzz around new product launches and company wide announcements
  • improve communication through the ease of knowledge sharing and education
  • improve customer service and brand loyalty via brand humanization

This makes video the most powerful communication tool available right now.

But with so many brands upscaling their video marketing strategy this year, how can you make sure your videos cut through the noise? Let’s take a look!

Scale your video strategy with with the 2023 Marketing Playbook [Data from 500+ marketers]

HubSpot and PlayPlay joined forces and talked to 500+ marketing experts about all things video to give you their best practices, expert advice, and so much more — helping you boost engagement and scale your brand's reach.

Get the playbook

7 steps to create a video marketing strategy

Creating a winning video marketing strategy doesn’t have to be difficult. You no longer need to be a video expert or hire a team of them – all you need to do is follow these 7 easy steps!

1. Know your target audience like the back of your hand

You already know that any marketing strategy, digital or not, is based on a thorough knowledge and understanding of the company's target market. And a video marketing strategy is no exception to this rule.

As a good marketer, you already have an idea of who your target audiences are. But do you have any idea of what they're expectations are for videos?

Before you start brainstorming your creative video presentation ideas, take time to consider what you already know about your target audience. Consider their:

  • Preferred topics and themes of interest. Beyond your products or services, what kind of online content do your potential customers like to consume? What challenges and daily concerns do you help them resolve?
  • Video consumption habits. Are your target audiences fans of long, 30-minute webinars, or short, dynamic "snack content" type videos? Would they rather watch them on their mobiles or their desktop computers?
  • Video consumption channels. If you're reaching out to potential B2B customers who are over 50 years old, you probably won't find them on Instagram or TikTok, but rather on LinkedIn or Twitter. The opposite would be true for someone marketing a restaurant. Think about where your target audience typically consumes content for your niche.

If you're just launching your video marketing strategy, you may not yet have a thorough understanding of your customers' expectations or how they consume content. You can start by monitoring your competitors who are already using video in their marketing mix. You can also ask your existing customers about their expectations: for example, by offering a promotional benefit in your newsletter in exchange for a survey response. After all, maybe you'll be interviewing them in due course as part of your future video strategy?

2. Determine the objectives of your video marketing strategy

How can you succeed without objectives when launching a new technique or a new marketing channel? You have 3 hours to figure it out. Go!

Kidding! You can put down your pens. The answer is impossible. Every web marketing strategy comes with precise and realistic objectives to help you meet your wider goals.

So take some time to select clear objectives for your video strategy. For example, you can launch your strategy to:

  • Boost your reputation on the internet. With 87% of marketers agreeing that video is effective at building brand awareness, it’s clear that video can help you build or solidify your brand in your target audience’s mind.
  • Improve the search indexing of your website. By integrating video into your overall web marketing strategy, you've got Google in your pocket: search engines love to highlight the best videos in their search results!
  • Increase the time visitors spend on your site pages. Visitors will be tempted to spend more time browsing your pages when you include videos.
  • Increase your conversion rates. Many studies show that using video can increase the conversion rates of your website. For example, the king of SEO Neil Patel conducted an interesting marketing experiment: by integrating a video into a landing page, he increased his conversion rate by 64%. This micro-optimization brought $21,000 in additional sales to the company as videos offered an opportunity to finish with a very clear and persuasive call-to-action.
  • Engage social media communities. Whether it's on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook or even LinkedIn, video has the power to bring users together and spark authentic exchanges between you and your audience.
  • Assist with commercial or after-sales services. There's nothing quite like a product demonstration video to better convince B2B target audiences, or product tutorial videos to save time for your teams during after-sales. In fact, 86% of marketers agree that video is a powerful communication and education tool that enables for ease of knowledge sharing.

This step in your video marketing strategy is essential. Organize a brainstorm with your marketers, sales and communication teams to determine your core objectives. When teams unite around the same objectives, the strategy is certainly heading in the right direction!

3. Integrate video into your current marketing mix

Armed with your best objectives and customer knowledge, you're now ready to make video a real asset for your digital marketing strategy. Congratulations! Now it's time to work out how your marketing videos will fit seamlessly into your current strategy.

For your videos to truly reflect your company or brand, be sure to think about these two key elements:

  • The graphic designs for your videos. How will your logo appear in your videos? Will it be animated or fixed? Do you have a music jingle in mind, an idea for an outro (end screen) or YouTube thumbnails to develop?
  • The editorial guidelines for your videos. What tone will be used in your videos? Are humor and playfulness key to your style, or will your videos be strictly serious? What key messages and values will you convey about your company?In short, even if you're just starting your strategy, your video content marketing needs to reflect the style and tone of all your other communications.

4. Determine what content you will create with your videos

At this stage, you have a reasonably clear idea of where your video strategy is going to take you. So let's get to the heart of the matter: it's time to think about the different  types of video content you’ll be able to create.

If you've already implemented a digital marketing strategy, you’ll probably have a goldmine of content already at your disposal.

That’s where 'repurposing' comes handy! You can reuse your existing content to create engaging videos. Consider:

  • If certain sections of your latest white paper can be turned into promotional video content?
  • If your latest case study could be turned into an interview or a video quote?
  • If your last article can be used as the basis of a streamlined 'Top 5' video?

As you browse through your back-log of content, you'll come up with a bunch of clever ideas for your video editorial plans. If that's not enough, here are some particularly effective types of content that could bolster your marketing strategy:

  • Content showcasing your products/services: If you’re looking to generate leads, putting your product front and center is the way to go. It’s no surprise that marketers attribute product videos with the highest ROI, and are producing it more than any other content type.
  • Content that reflects your brand's values: Audiences love content that allows the brand’s personality to shine through. This brand-driven content type highlights the company’s missions, what it stands for, and how its employees bring those values to life.
  • Trendy content: Trends come and go, but hopping on a bandwagon often pays off. Riffing off viral internet trends, trendy content always goes down well with audiences and racks up top engagement. Jumping on trends is a great way to ensure your other content is seen to by working the algorithm to your advantage!
  • Relatable content: Know your audience like the back of your hand and this content type will come easy. Tapping into their preferences, relatable content tries to engage more directly with viewers and is getting more popular amongst marketers.
  • Funny and interactive content: Sometimes audiences just want to be entertained. Whether it’s about getting viewers involved or just having a good laugh, this content type is helping brands stand out and be more authentic.
  • Nostalgic and user-generated content: This content type is geared up for reaching niche audiences. And although highly engaging it should be used sparingly!

As you were reading this list, you may have had some dazzling ideas... don't let them get away and write them down! Remember, a good video marketing strategy educates and entertains its audience at the same time. So be sure to integrate various video types and video storytelling into your strategy. Also, talk about topics that are highly relevant to your audience, like their health, finances or whatever other problem you are solving.

That said, the most advanced video strategies are those that manage to create a real online meeting place for customers and prospects, creating an experience that keeps them coming back for more. You could develop a video series all based around the same theme, for example on healthcare video marketing.

Whatever types of videos you are intending to launch your strategy with, this step will give you a clear idea of the budget you will need to make available. In reality, content presenting a product will likely require a bigger budget than relatable content packed full of GIFs, or an interview, which is easy to create on your own with an intuitive video tool.

Unleash your creativity with PlayPlay's platform and create marketing videos. With our user-friendly tool, you can easily produce stunning videos in minutes.

5. Choose the right distribution channels

It's obvious that you're highly motivated to create videos and fuel your marketing strategy. But you should keep in mind one crucial element: creating a video only makes sense if you devote some time to thinking about how you're going to distribute it.

To put it another way: you could create the most out-there, ground-breaking videos the world has ever encountered, but if you don't manage to distribute them properly to your target audience... the only person contributing toward that view count will be you.

So remember to list all the places online where you're active, like a digital marketing footprint. Sow your video seeds, and nurture a real passion for your business in your target market.

In addition, thinking about the various channels for distributing your videos online will guide your actual process of video creation. Because, depending on the different channels, the formats of your videos can vary. It's crucial to think about this beforehand so that you create videos appropriate for each distribution channel.

Here’s some examples of distribution channels you may want to consider:


It's highly recommended to host your videos on strategic pages of your website, such as: product pages, landing or sales pages and blog posts. This is a very effective way to increase the time that your visitors spend on your website and boost your conversion rates.


With over 2 Billion logged-in users visiting YouTube each month, YouTube is THE video platform to publish promotional videos. However, to be successful on YouTube, you will need to tune in to all the YouTube best practices such as: adding catchy titles, using relevant tags, and including a well-designed final screen – to increase the time viewers spend on your channel.

Social media platforms

If your target audience hangs out on social media, video provides the perfect opportunity to grab their attention. Whether it's Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, or Twitter – each social media platform offers you the option to upload your videos natively, which increases visibility and distribution even further.

Online ads

On Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads or Twitter Ads the video format is a hit. With a click-through rate 7.5 times higher than traditional display ads, video will give your online advertising strategy a major boost and could increase your conversions.

Emails and newsletters

Even if video and email don't seem to get along so well these two formats are, nevertheless, a winning combo. By simply adding the word "video" to your subject line you can expect a 19% increase in opening rates. Attractive, isn't it? Learn more in our guide about video email marketing!


Choosing the right video format: a real head scratcher?

A high-performing online video is one that has been adjusted to a format that fits the platform on which it is being posted. For example, Instagram posts perform best in square format and stories in vertical.

So it's worth adapting your videos to each platform’s favored formats so that you can distribute it as widely as possible.

PlayPlay automates this process for you. In one click, your videos can be adjusted into the format of your choice. That's handy, isn't it?! Maybe you feel like creating your first PlayPlay video, just to see how easy it is?

Try PlayPlay for free!

6. Plan the creation of your videos

You now have concise goals, key messages, and initial video ideas in mind. So it's time to put it all down on paper, and start planning to create the videos themselves.

Start by aligning your video creation with your overall marketing plan. Are any of your product videos linked to a specific product launch? Are other videos scheduled to be released at the same time as your new advertising campaigns or your next white paper? Make sure to plan the release dates of your videos so that they fit in with your wider marketing plan.

It's also worth taking some time to create an editorial schedule specifically for your video content.

In this editorial schedule, create at least 4 columns:

  • The subjects of your videos: this will help you visualize the variety of your content and make sure you’re covering a wide range of topics and formats.
  • The resources you have at your disposal: think about your technical needs (filming equipment such as a microphone or a camera, or a specific editing tool), but also human needs (people in charge of scripts, storyboards, subtitles, and also a cameraman, video editor, motion designer...)
  • The distribution channels you have chosen for each of the videos, and the formats in which you should plan to shoot/edit them
  • Shooting, editing and posting dates: the main point of creating an editorial schedule is to ensure you can get things done on schedule! With a clear idea of your production and promotion timelines, you’ll be able to stay on track for hitting your video goals.

With this 360-degree approach to your video schedule, you will be able to create a real video marketing strategy. Vary the formats and themes, while maintaining a general coherence to the overall style of the videos.

Creating a recurrence in your content plan, such as "Thursday interviews" or "Friday's Top 5", could be a useful way to plan your content and bring some consistency to the schedule. Check out this blog post to learn more about viral video marketing.

“So how much time does it take to create a good video?”

A great question! However, the answer isn't quite as straightforward as you might think, since it depends on the type of video you're thinking about and how much effort you put into the video’s search engine optimization. This will all impact the time you allocate for your videos in your editorial calendar.

To create a traditional production such as a corporate video or a customer interview, including the time for filming and editing, you could need:

  • One week to design an initial brief, with the agreement of your teams and potential stakeholders
  • Two weeks to write the script and the storyboard
  • One week for shooting and pre-production
  • Two to three weeks of editing and post-production, with some back-and-forth discussions to be expected

That said, a personalized social video can take much less time than this to hit the web. After an hour of training, PlayPlay's clients typically take 15 minutes to create an original video. Not bad, eh?

7. Analyze the KPIs of your strategy

If you're embarking on an advanced digital marketing strategy, you already know it: key metrics analysis is absolutely vital. Tracking these numbers on a daily basis is essential to determine if you're going in the right direction, or if your video marketing strategy is just to please your boss – the big YouTube fan.

But which video KPIs should you choose and monitor closely? The answer depends on the goals you set out to achieve and the channels you decide to use.

Here are a few KPIs that may be of interest to you for tracking the results of your video efforts:


  • Number of views
  • 'Watchtime' on YouTube
  • Number of likes
  • Number of subscribers to your channel (there is even an unofficial market for buying Youtube channels based on subscribers count)

Social media networks

  • Engagement rate: likes, shares, comments, retweets
  • Number of influencers reached on social media networks
  • Number of impressions your social media ads make
  • Number of mentions your brand receives

Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Positioning in Google video search results
  • Increased time spent on your web pages

Conversion objectives

  • Click-through rate on your ads
  • Click-through rate on your Youtube videos' final screens
  • Increased time spent on your web pages
  • Opening and click rate of your newsletters/emails

Commercial and/or after-sales service objectives

  • Number of contracts signed where the prospect has watched a video beforehand
  • Number of demo video requests
  • Number of after-sales inquiries related to a problem using the product

Always keep these numbers in the back of your mind, and test different formats or channels, to learn what works best. The advantage of digital is that you can observe the results of the strategies you put in place on a day-to-day basis, to continuously optimize their performance.

8 types of marketing videos

Now that you understand how to create a video strategy, let’s take a look at the top-performing types of marketing videos and examples of companies who do it right!

1. Product or service presentations to pitch your value proposition

These videos serve as product adverts and pitch deck packshots of the modern era. Guaranteeing high ROI, product or service presentations highlight the essential benefits of your offer and what your company can do for potential customers.

If you're wondering how to make a presentation video, you can find all the steps and tips in this dedicated article.

Check out this example from Google in which they introduce their groundbreaking new product, the AI-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE).

2. Interviews to build brand relatability

Interviews with your customers, employees, industry experts or partners are the best way to add a human touch to your video content.

To gain your audience’s trust, you’ll need to build relationships with them. From creating brand relatability to establishing your company as an industry thought leader, interviews can help you connect with audiences more directly.

It’s no surprise that video interviews are one of the trendiest - and most effective - video formats right now for getting your message across.

At PlayPlay, we produced a series of interview videos for womens’ day to highlight our incredible employees and to express our commitment to gender equality.

3. Customer testimonials to back up your promise

Testimonial videos put your customers front and center. In an interview format, they typically discuss a problem that they’ve faced, finding your product, and how it helped them to overcome their challenge.

Your target audience would love to see the living proof of your happy customers as they recount their experience of using your product!

This testimonial video by Slack takes us into one of its customers’ workplaces, and we learn how Slack's product has revolutionized the way this company communicates.

4. Product demos or tutorials to educate your customers

‘How-to’ queries are some of the most frequently asked questions on search engines. Whether it’s learning a new skill or discovering how to use a new feature, audiences will likely search for resources that show them how to do it.

For brands, tutorial videos are one of the best ‘how to’ resources out there. Not only do tutorials pique the interest of potential customers, but they can also boost customer retention by ensuring users get more out of your product.

High-quality tutorial videos usually feature visuals, screen recordings, and a voice-over to guide viewers through the process, step-by-step. Often they are product-related, but tutorials can also cover any topic that your audience cares about!

Notion’s product is full of possibilities. In this tutorial video, a Notion employee teaches us how to get the most out of a specific feature.

5. Event teasers to boost sign-ups

Your event’s success depends on how well you promote it. No matter how much time and effort you’ve put into the event itself, no one will show up if they haven’t heard about it!

Whether your event is in-person or online, video can help you maximize sign-ups and return on all the effort you put in.

You can easily create teaser videos to build hype around your event and encourage sign-ups. Highlight key information such as the speakers and the agenda, featuring clips and photos of previous editions (if available). Don’t forget to add a catchy soundtrack and a CTA so viewers know where to register.

In the run up to Ad World Conference, the team at Ad World created this teaser video to communicate the event’s key information about new tracks and boost sign-ups on social media.

6. Social videos to maximize engagement

Social videos are short, fun videos that help your brand’s personality shine through. The goal? To build an authentic connection with your audience, nurture an active community, and achieve maximum engagement on social media.

This type of content is all about creativity. Tuning in to trends and popular formats on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, use social videos to inspire your followers or make them laugh. Why not use entertainment to teach your audience about a new feature?

7. Animated videos to illustrate pain points

Need to explain a process with multiple steps or cover a sensitive subject? Animated videos can help you break down complex topics into a bite-sized, engaging format.

On a practical level, the sky really is the limit for these types of videos - you don’t need any actors to depict situations your potential customers may find themselves in, and how your product or services may aid them.

That said, voice-over narration can bring an animated video to life and keep your audience engaged throughout.

Headspace has made meditation accessible for millions of people. Through animated videos like this, Headspace explains tricky meditation concepts in an easily digestible and entertaining illustration.

8. Project highlights videos to keep your community in the loop

Got new features in the works? Or recently opened an office in a new country? Get your audience up to speed with a project highlights video!

Your community wants to know what you’ve been up to. Project highlights or quarterly recap videos allow you to provide your followers with a bite-sized rundown of your company’s recent activity.

On top of that, these videos are a great way to celebrate your employees’ hard work and give them the recognition they deserve.

At PlayPlay, we create a highlights video every quarter to show our community what projects we’ve been working on and to put a spotlight on employee achievements.

How can you create a successful marketing video?

Now that you’ve got a solid idea of what videos you can create, it’s time to get started! While creativity goes a long way in video creation, there’s still a few golden rules to abide by.

Follow these 7 rules to create marketing videos that get your message across and make a real impact on your audience – every single time.

1. Define the goal of your marketing video

Every video should serve a specific purpose.

Are you trying to promote an event? Do you want to educate your audience on a topic in your area of expertise? Or are you creating a tutorial to guide them on using your product? Whatever your goal, it must be singular, well defined, and tie into your wider video marketing objectives.

It can be tempting to cover as many topics as possible when creating a video. After all, competition for your audience’s attention is fierce and you have a lot to communicate about.

But for every video you create, you should have just one key message to convey based on the specific goal you identified beforehand.

With a strategy in place, you’ll have clearly defined objectives – and a strong idea of the messages you need to get across in each video.

2. Invest in some basic filming equipment

In the age of Instagram and TIkTok, anyone with a smartphone can create viral video content.

While it’s easier than ever to create videos, it’s worth investing in some basic equipment to make sure the end result is brand-worthy. Here are the must-haves on the list:

  • Camera: As mentioned, most smartphones are good enough to get started with. As your video skills and needs progress, consider investing in a DSLR camera for features that make filming easier, like auto-focus or a sharper resolution.
  • Tripod: No matter how steady your hand is, your audience will definitely notice if you’re not using a tripod. This crucial piece of kit makes your filming smooth and stable, ensuring a professional-quality output.
  • Lapel microphone: There’s nothing more irritating than watching a video with patchy sound! Your audience will tune out immediately if the audio isn’t up to scratch, so using a microphone is important. Lapel microphones are usually very affordable, easy to use, and perfect for recording interviews.
  • Box lighting: Good lighting should never be underestimated, and it’s especially important for interview videos. An affordable 3-point lighting setup will guarantee your scene is well lit and make sure there aren’t any distracting shadows on speakers’ faces.

3. Write a rough script

Preparation is key to all video content, but especially to interviews. Whether you’re shooting an employee testimonial or an interview with a subject-expert, a script will help you stay on message.

What’s the purpose of your video? What do you need to communicate and what do you want your audience to learn? In bullet point format, jot down the main messages you want to get across, including a rough outline of who will speak and in what order.

However, try not to over-script! Authenticity is crucial to engaging interviews, and no one wants to watch a lifeless, word-by-word recital.

As long as your interviewees get comfortable with the subject-material beforehand and know roughly what questions they’ll be asked, they should be able to respond more naturally.

4. Create a storyboard

A storyboard is a scene-by-scene sequence of images that serve as your video plan. Think of it as a visual companion to your script, allowing you to visualize your story with greater clarity.

Sketching out your video beforehand will help you to refine your storytelling, while ensuring your filming sessions are well structured and organized. Imagine if your team spent significant resources on a shoot and forgot to film a crucial scene! With a script and storyboard, that won’t happen.

In addition a storyboard will save you precious time during the editing process when you’re putting your rushes together.

Depending on your sketching skills, you can outline anything from camera angles and technical equipment to backgrounds and props – the more detailed, the better. That said, it certainly doesn’t have to be perfect. Like your script, you can adapt it as you go along.

5. Get organized and start filming

Lights, camera, action! Equipped with your filming gear, script, and storyboard, you’re now ready to start filming your video. To make sure it all goes smoothly, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Reserve the location: While most video content can usually be filmed at your office, you may have to go off-site from time to time. In any case, make sure you get the relevant permissions to film there. Communicate the location, date and time of the shoot well in advance to everyone involved.
  • Set up the scene: From installing your lights to getting your microphones hooked up, set aside plenty of time to get the scene ready. If you’re filming in a busy place, such as the office break room, ‘fence off’ the area to keep interruptions to a minimum.
  • Warm up: Practice makes perfect. A little warm up will help your ‘actors’ relax and feel more prepared for the recording.
  • Keep the camera rolling: With the camera on throughout the shoot, you’ll pick up some great 'B-roll' footage to use for your intro, outro and transitions. There’s bound to be some bloopers, laughs, and big smiles when filming – it’s great fun, after all! Including some of these shots in your final cut will add a very human touch.
  • Record multiple takes: Get at least 3 takes of every scene. You don’t want to wrap up recording only to realize later that a take was ruined by background movement or unwanted sound.

6. Edit your video and keep it short

Once you’re done filming, it’s time to start editing it all together.

Upload your rushes and start putting them in order, using your storyboard as a reference to guide you. It’s worth scanning through all your takes to choose the best one for each scene.

Brevity is key for most kinds of video content. Unless you’re editing a webinar recording or a long-from tutorial, aim for the 1-minute mark, or keep it under 3 minutes. This gives you enough time to convey your key message, without losing your audience’s attention.

Focus on hooking in the viewer early on by creating a compelling intro, such as an eye-catching visual, a sound-bite quote, or a thought-provoking question.

Online video makers like PlayPlay make video creation fast, easy, and cost-effective. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, a built-in stock media library, and dynamic text animations, you can create an engaging video in just 15 minutes.

7. Add subtitles, music and a CTA

No video is complete without subtitles, catchy music and a persuasive CTA.

According to recent research, viewers are 80% more likely to watch a video through to the end when subtitles are available.

Captions help hook viewers into your story from the get-go – especially those that scroll through social media content without the sound enabled. Subtitles also make your videos more accessible to international or hearing-impaired audiences.

And for those who will hear it, adding music is a great way to set the tone for your video content. Whether you’re looking for a playful mood or a more serious, corporate feel, many video makers offer a whole library of royalty-free tracks to choose from.

And last, but certainly not least, you must finish with a call-to-action. If you’ve managed to get your audience to watch through your video from start to finish, that means they’re interested in what you’ve got to say! Invite them to follow you on social media or check out your website – the CTA you choose will depend on the video’s objective.

Now that you’ve created a video you’re proud of, it’s time to share it with the world!

Create a marketing video in a few clicks

Are you serious about reaping the benefits of video content? Then you’ll understand that your success largely depends on having a solid video marketing strategy in place.

From researching your target audience and having concrete marketing goals, to knowing exactly what kind of videos to create and where to share them – you’re now fully equipped to launch your strategy.

In fact, you’ve already done most of the work. With a video maker like PlayPlay, creating the video content itself is the easy part! PlayPlay enables anyone in your team to turn any message into a compelling video, in minutes.

Information becomes easier to retain for your audience, your brand storytelling more compelling, and your organization more human and engaging as a result.
To see what video content can do for your business, try PlayPlay’s 7-day free trial today.

Jaymi Onorato

Jaymi Onorato

Demand Generation Manager, North America

Jaymi is a growth-focused B2B marketing leader driving demand generation for North America at PlayPlay. Jaymi advocates for inclusivity in tech and women in leadership.

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The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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