YouTube Video Ideas: the Only List Your Company Needs

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(Updated 08-21-2024)

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YouTube Video Ideas: the Only List Your Company Needs

The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google? The platform currently boasts a whopping global user base of 1.86 billion.

These numbers make it clear: not only is YouTube’s audience growing rapidly, it's a platform you can't afford to ignore if you’re aiming to increase brand awareness, scale your business, or grow your community.

The only catch is: YouTube is full to the brim with video content, which makes it challenging for newcomers to stand out from the crowd.

In fact, there were 500 minutes of online video content uploaded every minute in 2019. Put another way, 30,000 hours of video was uploaded each hour.

Considering that video consumption has increased dramatically, it’s safe to say that the number of new uploads on the platform have too.

The takeaway? As a new YouTuber, you need to try out different YouTube video ideas to create attention-grabbing videos. So we've prepared these different video ideas worth considering for your YouTube channel, and we’ll also share five smart ways to stay inspired and keep creating fresh videos on the platform.

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21 YouTube video ideas for your company

This selection of Youtube video ideas will you a solid base to work from. But before getting started, it's worth thinking about your goals: what are you trying to achieve from your video strategy? What will your audience enjoy and benefit from? Which video idea will be easier to execute, given the budget at your disposal?

Having a clear objective in mind will help you plan your video, make the shooting process much easier, and get you better results once it's ready to be published

So, let’s dive into 20 YouTube video ideas for your next video. We’ve divided these into different categories to give you a complete picture of the different video formats at your disposal.

Wondering how to create professional videos? Look no further! With PlayPlay's YouTube video editor, effortlessly produce captivating content that will impress your audience.

Company culture videos

These types of videos give an insider look at what it’s like to work in your company.

Not only are company culture videos great for attracting new recruits, but they can also help you gain customers’ trust. Getting your employees on camera is a great way to show your company’s human side.

Try out the following types of videos to give the world a taste of your company culture:

1. Meet the team

Produce a video to introduce a handful of employees from different department or create a series of short videos featuring individual team members, as SproutSocial does in their Inside #TeamSprout series

2. A day in the life

‘A day in the life’ series is a great option to show what your senior employees get up to on daily basis, and this informal style adds a strong personal touch.

Your company's followers would be fascinated to know what the CEO or Head of Marketing's typical day at the office is like, and how they interact with other employees.

Film your chosen employee as they go about their day, and get them to narrate a little on camera. Or go for an influencer-style video and record in selfie mode, like this Buzzfeed employee in the video below. Simple!


A format that is popular on social networks

The format "a day in the life of..." is a very interesting format to show the daily life for a position in a company. Don't hesitate to share it on your different networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... By the way, learn how to post a YouTube video on Instagram right now!

3. Recruitment videos

Recruitment videos should give an overview of your company as a whole: what your business is all about, what you're aiming to achieve, and above all, why new talent should join your team.

This recruitment video by Google follows the journey of five interns as they navigate their first week on the job. With over 11 million views on Youtube, it ticks all the boxes of a successful recruitment video by giving a well rounded picture of Google's company culture:

4. ‘Challenge’ videos

Challenge videos are not only great fun to watch for viewers, but also for your team to take part in. Check out this challenge video that the PlayPlay created, where we all had to 'recreate famous paintings':

These videos feature your customers talking about their experience of your product or service.

No matter how good your product or service actually is, people who have never heard of your company will be initially skeptical until you've built some trust with them. You can spend a lot of time perfecting marketing and brand awareness content, but the most effective way these days is word of mouth from your happy customers.

5. Customer testimonial

From recording a talking head interview with your client to asking them about their 'before and after' story using your product/service, there are a few options for creating a quality testimonial video.

You can also weave together several customer interviews to create one summary video.

Zendesk do this well in their customer testimonial video:

6. Highlight reel

Another social proof-based video to try is a highlight reel that compiles clips from previous videos with your customers. This 'recycling' option is especially handy when you're short on time or don't have any new footage to use.

Your audience loves these! In fact, 69% of consumers say they prefer watching short videos over reading text-based posts when learning about a product.

Creating a video about your product will be more engaging for your audience and will give your new release great exposure.

Don’t advertise or over-pitch your product, though. Instead, show how specific product features can benefit your viewers.

Here's a few ideas to get the inspiration rolling:

7. Explainer/tutorial video

96% of consumers have watched an explainer video and this format is perfect for diving into the details to help your customers understand how your product works.


Be careful to respect the video specs

Indeed, to share videos on YouTube, it is strongly recommended to follow the video specs. We are sharing with you the YouTube video formats.

8. Unboxing video

Unboxing videos get a lot of views on Youtube and this format is increasingly popular with influencers and their followers. Additionally, these help meet consumer expectations — showing them exactly what’s included and what they’ll get in the package once it's delivered to them.

9. Behind the scene/creation of product

These videos are another great way to dive into how things work on the product side of the business. In doing so, this helps capture your audience’s attention and win their trust.

However, it’s best to film these videos by showing teams at work. Why? So that the overall video comes across as genuine, not deliberately filmed to show the good parts only.

10. Live product launch

Live video has seen a surge in popularity. Hosting a live product launch event is also a great way to get people from around worldwide involved and taking part in the action.

Build the hype by inviting bloggers, creators and influencers to attend the product launch so that they can share the experience with their followers on social media.

11. Review video

Last in this category are product review videos.

Either you can reach out to an industry influencer to request them to review your product or you can compile customer testimonials into a video.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any customer interviews recorded on camera. Simply ask your customers’ permission to use their comments, reviews, tweets, etc. about your product. Then you can easily create a video out of it — voila!

Marketing videos

60% of businesses use video for marketing.

And that’s not all: 87% of them commend the return on investment they’re seeing from video marketing. From lead generation to better product understanding to improved sales — the benefits are countless.

Here are some ideas to help you get started with B2B video marketing.

12. Event/webinar teasers

Planning a new event or webinar series? Promote it with a video!

You can create a teaser video to highlight the speakers, theme, details of the event, and finish with a CTA that directs viewers to the signup page.

If you've had previous editions of the event, get your past attendees on camera to talk about their experience.

Here's an example of a webinar teaser we created for a recent event:

13. Podcast teasers/podcast videos

Podcast teaser videos are an effective way to promote your podcast on social media.

Choose a soundbite clip to draw viewers in, upload a photo of the speaker or your podcast's visual, add subtitles, and finish with a CTA so that viewers know where to listen to the full episode.

14. Webinars

A great way to repurpose your webinar content is simply to record it and host it on your website — on a resources page, for example. You can easily make a short-form highlights video to post on social media and drive more traffic to the webinar recording on your website.

15. Response/reaction video

In addition to educating your audience, a little entertainment goes a long way. Try out a reaction videos — one the most popular types of YouTube videos.

The concept is simple: a video in which people react to something, showing their emotional reactions while viewing television series episodes, film trailers and music videos, etc.

Want some inspiration to get started? Check out this example:

Internal comms videos

Are your employees ignoring your internal newsletters and memos—aimlessly scrolling through their social media feeds instead? As more and more of your employees are working remotely, you may feel that you're having trouble engaging them. You're not alone.

Video is the most effective way to communicate with your teams internally.

Some of the best companies are using it to relay key information and to help retain their best talent, and you can too!

Here’s proof: 75% of video-savvy businesses have high employee engagement rates. Not to mention, 75% of employees are more likely to watch videos than read texts or emails.

So here are some internal communication video ideas to get the ball rolling:

16. Company news

Nobody loves long emails or memos announcing company news, and employees are less likely to retain important information.

The solution? Create short and informative videos sharing company news, with catchy music and some clips/photos of your employees.

17. Business results

These videos are great for engaging your team by sharing business results in a digestible format, and they can easily be shared with partners and stakeholders too.

Recap your business's recent highlights and key numbers, with plenty of photos and clips to create a more enjoyable viewing experience.

18. Employee highlight

Employee highlight videos celebrate the achievements of a particular employee.

This type of video can boost team engagement and motivation, while expressing a strong sense of your company culture. For the featured employee, the video is a great tribute to their hard work and achievements.

19. Project highlight

These videos are an effective way to present the progress of particular projects.

The video format allows you to break down the cycle of a project into digestible parts for the audience. Add any key numbers and achievements so far, and why not film a short interview with the employees responsible for the project? This adds accountability to the presentation and makes for a more engaging viewing experience.

20. Internal event promotion

Internal event promotion videos help spread the word about your company's events and get more employees to sign up.

Build the hype by sharing clips from past company events, including impressive attendance stats, interview clips with employees, and the key details of the event program.

21. AMAs

'Ask Me Anything' videos are great learning opportunities for your workforce. They also help boost your company's stature as a thought-leader by sharing the expertise of your top employees.

You can host internal AMAs for employees or go live with an industry expert to get answers to questions that would be helpful for your target audience.

Todoist, for example, paired with a creator to do an interesting AMA session:

5 other ways you can find inspiration for your YouTube videos

Before we wrap this up, let’s cover some other ways you can get inspired for your next Youtube video.

Study the competition

Figure out what types of YouTube videos your competitors are creating and the results they’re getting. You can also review other industries’ videos to identify content ideas for your next engaging video. A good competitor analysis can help you create good YouTube SEO videos.

Ask your sales or customer success team

These customer-facing teams are in constant touch with your buyers. This is why they are in a great position to suggest video topic ideas based on the questions customers frequently ask them.

Ask your community

Ask your viewers what they’d like to see on your YouTube channel. You can also take to social media or your email newsletter to source ideas from your community.

Keeping tabs on the content influencers create can help you find YouTube video ideas that’ll get good engagement. Remember to only jump on trends that are relevant to your brand and audience.

Use the video idea machine by PlayPlay

By answering a few questions about your video objectives, you can generate a whole range of free video ideas using PlayPlay’s Video Idea Machine.
PlayPlay is a video creation tool that can help you create all the types of videos mentioned above.


Choose the best tools

If you want to produce great videos, then you need the best tools! Video editor, thumbnail creation, performance analysis, etc. Discover the best YouTube tools!

Over to you

We’ve now come to the end of our list, and now your video creation journey can begin! With these YouTube video ideas in your locker, you'll be off to a strong start.

Happy YouTubing.

Melissa Francois

Melissa Francois

Head of Global Content & Comms

With over 10 years of experience in the wild world of SaaS, Melissa cares about building great brand stories and driving community engagement through engaging content. Off the clock, she enjoys long walks and a pint in a cozy country pub.

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The Video Advantage: Trends & Strategies for Content Marketers 2024

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This ebook is designed to help you take advantage of the biggest content and video trends this year.

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